In celebration of Women’s History Month, I am writing aloud about my own history. Telling your story is a true eye-opening narrative packed with past events in your life. The point that I want to make is how important it is to keep a journal of your life’s history. This becomes your story. Whether it is from humble beginnings or heroic strides of excellence on your journey. Being able to share it is liberating and may be helpful to others.

The experiences of my life helped to shape my own identity. I was raised by my father for most of my life who taught me valuable lessons at a young age. I found the path of faith with his guidance and the importance of gratitude. Both prepared me for the journey ahead. I was the first Black student to graduate from my high school during the civil right movement. That unforgettable experience was a giant step moving forward in my life.

After completing studies at a business college and attending a legendary finishing school, my entrepreneurial skills became refined and grandeur. I was empowered with the proper decorum of knowledge to advance my professional achievements. Personal development training became the forefront of my career master planning. Corporate employment was good experience for a short stint in various roles as I gradually launched a successful business practice. Over thirty years in different service capacities, Personal Dynamics, Inc. continues to operate. It has enhanced my personal growth to include authorship, life coaching, and motivational speaking. That is my story!

We all have a story and how you want it told starts with you. It takes courage to tell your story and the truth is, you may have more than one. The most powerful one is the one that best defines you and your life. It is important because your story is your history. Becoming an expert at knowing facts about yourself with confidence will help you to reconcile the events of your life. When you tell your story, you leave people with a memory or a compelling life experience. You become empowered to influence, inspire, or motivate by telling your story.

The art of storytelling has become one of the most power business communication skills. It is the new marketing tool learning to speak about your professional work history. People respond to well told stories that create a sense of togetherness. A good story adds a human element content that can give value to your conversation and strengthen the trust listeners have in your personal brand.

Your story expresses the who, why, and what of your life.  It tells who you are, why you did it, and what you love about it. You know your life better than anyone. Own your true story. Tell your story so it fulfills an intellectual and lasting memorable experience that builds your history.