The Gloria Show

The Gloria Show

Ultra-successful people never stop reaching for new heights, learning new skills, and finding fulfillment.  If you want to gain a fresh, informed perspective on life, and the problems that you face to be healthier, happier, and more skillful, my live podcast show will lift your spirits with inspiration plus offer new insights into challenges that could be standing in the way of your success. Please plan to join me as I launch The Gloria Show next month with Personal Development discussions on life essentials that matter.

This is an exciting time for me as I will kick off the show celebrating thirty years of business and happily introduce a new partnership to the Personal Dynamics team. Princess Cullum, PhD, is a leadership and culture executive with more than twenty years of global experience in multiple industries. We are pleased to welcome her phenomenal talents in the areas of Executive Coaching, Leadership Assessment Development, Diversity and Inclusion, among her other attributes and gifts that will collaborate a wider range of client services.

Dr. Cullum will be a frequent guest on the show, in addition to other invited experts within the coaching industry and beyond to participate in discussions related to mental, social, spiritual, physical, emotional well-being, and wealth. Connect with us and unlock your true potential by taking charge of your personal development. Be prepared to take notes on tips that will help you to unleash your power and improve your personal and professional life. Start investing in yourself today and reap the benefits tomorrow.

My mission as host of The Gloria Show is to cover topics from straightforward coaching on key components of personal development, career and life transitions, self-improvement, leadership, organizational effectiveness, and elevating yourself to achieve greatness.  Living consciously to be your best self requires knowing who you are and the value of self-identity. I am inviting you to come to a place where you can laugh, cry, and be uplifted while learning more about yourself. I will share forty years of experience in business management, human resources, strategic workforce development, and hospitality procurement that add value to my knowledge on personal growth, life skills, and the importance of building human capital. If you want to upgrade your life and become a better version of yourself, tune in for practical advice with resources to help you get there.

The Gloria Show is a one-hour, Online TV Show that will be aired every Tuesday at 2:00 PM on Bold Brave TV and Talk Shop Live, YouTube Live, Amazon Fire TV, Spotify TV, Daily Motion, Facebook Live, LinkedIn Live, Twitter/X Live, Google podcast, iHeart Radio, Deezer Radio, Sound Cloud, Apple podcast and, ROKU TV.  The scheduled launch date is Tuesday, May 14 at 2:00 PM. Be sure to Like, Follow, and Subscribe!

You have a pivotal role
in elevating
Personal Development

If you would like a FREE complimentary consultation on personal development or life coaching, please contact me here or visit here for more information.

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Life Skills & Essential Pillars To Be Your Best Self

Life Skills & Essential Pillars To Be Your Best Self

Step up to the self-care trend of becoming your best self. It is time to foster the growth of your personal development and elevate to your best self. Okay, so you think you are already the best you can be and that is a cheerful outlook to have. You might want to consider examining certain areas of your life for improvement by raising your standards or to get better at doing something you enjoy. It is entirely up to you to want and expect more for yourself. Visualize your new standard and focus on how it feels. Act on using essential pillars to upgrade your life. There is an art of becoming your best self that requires willingness and deep concentration toward living your best life.

Becoming your best self is unlocking and embracing unique qualities that make us who we are. There are incredible ways of demonstrating and presenting your best self simply by how you treat others. This means living your core values in alignment with your beliefs and being your authentic self. The journey to becoming the best version of yourself involves a pivotal commitment to life skills and self-discovery that centers around your needs, setting specific goals, and identifying the pillars of life to help achieve the success you want.

The foundation of pillars is used as a critical role in the pursuit of personal development. How we define the fundamental importance of life skills in the process of our development continues to be explored by philosophers and experts. Understanding the concept of life pillars and the breakdown into various components are key to living well and finding fulfillment. Personal development is the ongoing desire to master aspects of life pillars for a growth mindset, physical well-being, and lifelong learning. It can be overwhelming to comprehend the necessary steps needed for successfully navigating through defined pillars of life. The hardcore truth is that it takes life skills to overcome obstacles and identify essential pillars to gain knowledge, strength, and purpose in life.

Living consciously to be your best self means knowing who you are. By practicing the powerful self-knowledge skill is often the first assessment to help improve the quality of your life. The more you get to know yourself, the more you will learn to love yourself and appreciate the most essential pillars in your life such as mind, body, spirit, wealth, and relationships. Embracing the ability to see clearly through self-awareness can bring empowerment and transformation for personal growth and development. This new-found awareness gives you permission to make lifestyle changes and adjustments in striving towards becoming your best self.

Ultra-successful people never stop reaching for new heights, learning new skills, and finding fulfillment. You have a pivotal role in elevating personal development. My mission is to provide inspiration and guidance on the journey to becoming your best self. 

Original article published in Brainz Magazine on April 3, 2024.



In celebration of Women’s History Month, I am writing aloud about my own history. Telling your story is a true eye-opening narrative packed with past events in your life. The point that I want to make is how important it is to keep a journal of your life’s history. This becomes your story. Whether it is from humble beginnings or heroic strides of excellence on your journey. Being able to share it is liberating and may be helpful to others.

The experiences of my life helped to shape my own identity. I was raised by my father for most of my life who taught me valuable lessons at a young age. I found the path of faith with his guidance and the importance of gratitude. Both prepared me for the journey ahead. I was the first Black student to graduate from my high school during the civil right movement. That unforgettable experience was a giant step moving forward in my life.

After completing studies at a business college and attending a legendary finishing school, my entrepreneurial skills became refined and grandeur. I was empowered with the proper decorum of knowledge to advance my professional achievements. Personal development training became the forefront of my career master planning. Corporate employment was good experience for a short stint in various roles as I gradually launched a successful business practice. Over thirty years in different service capacities, Personal Dynamics, Inc. continues to operate. It has enhanced my personal growth to include authorship, life coaching, and motivational speaking. That is my story!

We all have a story and how you want it told starts with you. It takes courage to tell your story and the truth is, you may have more than one. The most powerful one is the one that best defines you and your life. It is important because your story is your history. Becoming an expert at knowing facts about yourself with confidence will help you to reconcile the events of your life. When you tell your story, you leave people with a memory or a compelling life experience. You become empowered to influence, inspire, or motivate by telling your story.

The art of storytelling has become one of the most power business communication skills. It is the new marketing tool learning to speak about your professional work history. People respond to well told stories that create a sense of togetherness. A good story adds a human element content that can give value to your conversation and strengthen the trust listeners have in your personal brand.

Your story expresses the who, why, and what of your life.  It tells who you are, why you did it, and what you love about it. You know your life better than anyone. Own your true story. Tell your story so it fulfills an intellectual and lasting memorable experience that builds your history.

How Life Coaching Connects with Personal Development

How Life Coaching Connects with Personal Development

Our first breath introduces us to human life and learning. This natural act sets forth innate coaching for life that will become paramount to our traits, talents, and overall development. Life as we know it is the conscious existence that processes our experiences and evolves through growth. The reasons that we live are many and go beyond the basic idea that living gives us happiness and pleasure. We live because we love, we live because we believe, and we live because we learn. The reality is each of us lives, pursuing the subsistence of our livelihood and finding fulfillment. We seek to build human capital that leads us to enhance the quality of life and to facilitate the realization of our dreams and aspirations. Personal development proves to be the framework that empowers us to take a new direction to discover the remarkable transformation and uniqueness known as our best self.

If you want to make lasting life changes and need someone to help you identify your goals or help develop a plan, life coaching provides the support and encouragement with practical advice that is invaluable. A key benefit is it can be effective in helping you to develop important people skills.

There is a special connection between life coaching and personal development characterized by the affection to establish a collaborative relationship. To put it simply, together a dynamic support system works to upgrade our way of life and level of influence. A profound impact of excellence from this union is embraced to assure the potential of success to become the best one can be. If this in part grips your attention or sounds enthralling, read on to learn more about the essence of both life changing forces.

A passion for greatness

The desire to love, want and have more in life is natural. Being passionate about something gives a person positive affinity with powerful emotions towards their work. They are inspired with a deep self-confidence that makes them thought leaders, skillful, and risk-takers. Passionate people show determination, commitment, and perseverance through difficult situations. Having a passion is one step closer to fulfilling a dream. It is essential to achieving your goals. Life coaching can help find your passion if you are searching for something that gives you a purpose. When you have a great passion for your life’s purpose, it is like falling in love. Be grateful for the experience. Gratitude can lead to a better life and happiness.

People become outstanding or the greatest at what they do because of their passion and because the brain becomes wired to it. The more you think about doing something that you enjoy and love, the brain grows in relation to it and produces stronger feelings. When you have established a solid relationship with your passion, the approach to greatness depends on a forward-thinking mindset to reach your growth potential. Great people are known for their hard work and learning everything that needs to be learned about their passion but often feel stuck in the process. Working with a life coach can provide guidance to get you unstuck. This is done with tools and techniques designed to help you find and realize your passion.

The pursuit for greatness looks different for everyone. Your greatness is defined by you and cannot be compared to someone else. Finding your passion to hone for greatness or achieving a goal can come with hard sacrifices, obstacles, and breaking down barriers. Reflect on a field that motivates you and expand your professional network to surround yourself with people who care deeply about what they do. Self-direct your knowledge and be empowered by the skills and talents that you have to help find your passion for greatness. A coaching program is instrumental in facilitating a path to clarity and cultivating new skills for personal and professional growth.

Love yourself better through personal development

Living offers an abundance of opportunities to discover new and transformative ways for loving yourself better. Learning to love yourself is important to your physical and mental health. The practice of self-love starts with self-acceptance, making yourself a priority, positive self-talk, self-care, and managing your well-being. Coaching and mentoring programs both offer guidance during a self-love career change to better yourself. Self-love is a powerful tool for personal development that implements transformation, upskilling, and acquiring new knowledge. Self-love allows you to be your authentic self, improves self-awareness, self-worth, self-confidence, and resilience. With self-love, you are mindfully diligent to set boundaries to help create healthier relationships and making decisions that align with your values.

To love yourself better, be vigilant and attentive to what you want to achieve in life. Believe that you are deserving of personal fulfillment, stay motivated on the task of your goals and keep the passion of your dreams alive to realize self-actualization. Deliver your best self for growth and development and be committed to lifelong learning. The most successful people are more inclined to take self-improvement and self-care to a higher level. Personal development coaching provides motivational and accountability support to help keep track of your progress. Be in the habit of loving yourself so much that when you look at the pivotal moments in your life, you will see an uplifted and elevated better you.

Unleash your better self to greatness by upgrading your life. In order to upgrade your life, it means making strategic changes that will improve your standard of living by raising your expectations and requiring more from yourself. This can include changes to habits, attitude, behaviors and beliefs that you will no longer accept and have the courage to expect and demand more. The rewards and benefits of a life upgrade can vary depending on your lifestyle. As you upgrade your life, consider your finances even if money is not your top priority, it is a necessity of life. It is important knowing how to arrive at a standard of living that is your own personal wealth. Be initiative-taking and make things happen. Be influential, be teachable, and be coachable. Focus on what is good for you and your environment because you will be noticed by the changes to your routine, prospective, and other positive things happening in your life.

My mission is to inspire people to achieve their goals, dreams, and elevate to a best self. If you would like guidance on personal development or life coaching, please contact me here or visit here for more information.

Original article published in Brainz Magazine on February 13, 2024.

A Look At Lifelong Learning

A Look At Lifelong Learning

The ongoing pursuit of knowledge for either personal or professional reasons is important throughout life. It is about being open to innovative ideas and new perspectives to achieve personal fulfillment. Lifelong learning can help you to improve and continue growing through your own spiritual seasons in life. You could very well be a lifelong learner and never thought of it as such. Some people are always advancing to new opportunities, involved in practical physical activities, challenging the start of a project, obtaining a certification or higher degree, and let us not forget social media blogging and podcasting among the movers and shakers to initiate and build influence. There are countless ways to characterize the act or experience of a lifelong learner.

A 2020 Trend Magazine article on lifelong learning by the Pew Research Center, Source an internationally known public opinion research center, reported as we live longer and workplace requirements expand, continued learning and retraining are becoming essential. “The most valuable workers now and in the future will be those who can combine technical knowledge with human skills and adapt to the changing needs of the workplace.” As the economy moves deeper into a knowledge-focused age, significant changes are reshaping the American workplace. The fastest-growing occupations demand an evolving set of skills, and that new reality is prompting many workers to upgrade their own skills and contemplate learning as a lifelong commitment. A survey conducted found that a majority of workers recognize new demands, and that future job success may rest on learning new skills. “Americans think the responsibility for preparing and succeeding in today’s workforce starts with individuals themselves.” Key Takeaway – A new learning ecosystem is needed to address the evolving demands for new knowledge and training throughout our longer work lives.

Personal development is the process of learning anything that strengthens your mind and builds self-confidence that heightens your ability to grow. Professional development, in contrast is learning transferable skills to market your value in a particular industry. In either case, an innate curiosity serves to inspire your thoughts and motivation to learn. Understanding the benefits of both professional and personal development can be applied by effective methods to become the best type of lifelong learner. To become a lifelong learner, you must be committed and enthusiastic about the pursuit of learning and believe that learning is a journey and not a destination.

On becoming a lifelong learner

Develop a growth mindset to embrace challenges and accept that skill acquisition requires effort, and that improvement is possible. It grows into a practice whereas you take responsibility for your future and ownership in the decisions that you make. The fun is advancing and creating new opportunities that make you an invaluable source that opens the door to teach what you know. A wonderful way of continuous learning is to teach others as it consolidates and reinforces your knowledge. Take hold of being an action learner by facilitating and tackling difficult problems. Reflecting on results is a most important aspect of learning because you can think deeply about what you have learned and build review periods into your learning, so you do not forget.

Broaden powers of concentration and add programs of exercise and nutrition into your lifelong learning habits. The brain and the body need ongoing attention to keep mentally and physically fit. Lifelong learning increases our wisdom and helps us to understand ourselves better. Why does lifelong learning matter? Each day gives us a new opportunity to gain experience and reach our full potential. 

Benefits of lifelong learning

There are multiple long-term benefits from incorporating lifelong learning in your life. The truth is that most people will learn something new through communications with others, news media, web searching, and by discovering a personal interest. The process of continuous learning is all about you. The benefits include harnessing leadership potential, increases adaptability for things that may come your way, it improves emotional balance for happiness, serves as inspiration and helps you stay socially connected. It helps your brain stay healthy and your mind sharp, as well as increasing critical thinking skills and competence. Not to mention the wealthy attributes that it can bring.

Imagine a lasting fulfillment when you continue learning and growing. Lifelong learning can recognize a natural drive to encourage self-improvement and satisfaction. We develop a sense of self-worth and inspiration when we: A) Enrich your life with the things that spark your curiosity, simply because you want to know how, what, or why. Fortify and round out the skills you need to help develop your passion; B) Being consistent with the effort to learn by preserving the desire to obtain new knowledge. Develop an attitude where you are constantly learning; C) Sharing your knowledge by helping others deepen and engrains the depth of your experience; D) Cultivate positive growing vibes and emotional strength in your surrounding environment; and E) Appreciate the abundance in your life with gratitude. Show love to what you know by giving.

Our society is driven by a constant and ever-changing environment, so it is important to keep up. We are all learning increasingly regardless of whether we realize it or not. Knowledge is taking place in everything we see, hear, and do – every day, every minute, somewhere. There is always something to be learned. Everything you know will never be enough.

Original article published in Brainz Magazine on January 22, 2024.

The Power of Your Values

The Power of Your Values

This is the time of year for many of us who connect our values to traditions and meaningful experiences. Values will guide us through our experiences as we embark upon a new year. Connecting our values can bring us together in unity with those we love and care about to express gratitude and appreciation for them. Everyone has values, and some people are more aware of their values’ importance than others.

Your values help form the foundation of your life that will influence your decisions and they are needed in every imaginable situation. The relationships that you have with others are primarily centered around your values for guidance and motivation. Values are instrumental to an individual’s growth and development. They are important and help us to create the future we want to experience.

Most of us follow or choose to continue with the values that we grew up with and internalized as a child. The positive attributes and role of family members serve as empowering factors. We all have our own personal dominate values developed through society like good and bad, right, and wrong. These are beliefs and views that are widely shared among multiple cultures and can stem through family, religious organizations, workplace, institutions, and media sources. We learn to live by the values we accept or until we uncover the ones that are vitally important to us. Values matter because we are more likely to feel better living in accordance with them.

Over the past two decades, researchers have shown how enduring influence can shape cultural values. They were able to trace differences in personalities to early childhood. The broad societal values influenced by how parents raise their children were explored to study how different parenting styles shape the behavior of children. The differences in this study are not surprising because our values are generated early, and we individualize them as we grow and develop. Integrity, empathy, resilience, gratitude, and lifelong learning are among the foundational principles deeply ingrained and integral to our identity.

The role of values is often observed in people with leadership positions. It is what they say and do that puts their character in public view when using guiding principles. Leaders facilitate others to make a positive difference that contributes to a greater good. If you have ever had to direct a group, coordinate a team effort, manage an organization or be the leader of any important tasks, your values were important and mattered. The one main thing in influencing others when leading by example is to remember that people are always watching and listening. Using the power of your values will help to sustain a level of clarity and understanding.

Identifying your core values can increase your confidence and help in making decisions because you know if a decision aligns with your values. Knowing your values can help with achieving goals and, most importantly, help you to improve personal relationships that build a better rapport with others. How would you identify your values? To get started think about who you are and how you live. Consider your beliefs and the things that are most important to you. Values can be determined based on your experiences, your approach to making decisions, factors that have contributed to your feelings, memorable events, and what gives you happiness.

Knowing your values, you will discover what is profoundly important to you. Your values show up in the way you live, work, and play. Values are the roots that keep you grounded to grow towards becoming your best authentic self. They are capable of powerfully influencing our emotional state of mind. Embark on the threshold of a new year by defining your values. Reflect on your experiences and create a list that resonates with you to select values that describe your feelings and behavior. Here is list of personal values for consideration. Review, prioritize, and add to your list, then put it into practice.

Honesty Compassion
Justice Loyalty
Wealth Love
Achievement Kindness
Patience Trust