You become extremely excited and anxious when the time to go on what is perhaps a much-needed vacation or travel to an adventurous and fun destination. The itinerary and scheduled details for what, when, and where have all been planned and arranged. All you need to do is pack your suitcases and go. Everything for the trip is prepared and ready – you cannot wait to get there!

Life’s journey requires some preparation with enthusiasm and eagerness much like planning for an exciting trip. The skill of preparation actually gets you ready to do the work. Planning is the original step to help get life-changing wisdom off to a good start. The desire to have a life of fulfillment is universal. By human design, we naturally seek to not only survive but to live life to the fullest. It is wise to plan to make the most of what you have.

The art of preparation is a skill that you can hone. It requires self-discipline and practice. Life is about preparation and the willingness to put in the work and time to become great at what you desire. The challenge is to repeat and be great over, and over again. The preparation to live fully is an ongoing process.

To prepare yourself for greater heights begin by investing in your mind to set the emotional tone for work to come. Program your mind in the “golden hour” of the morning to start the day with fresh positive vibes. The golden hour is the first hour after sunrise and the last hour of light before sunset that produces natural light, also called the magic hour. Developing a healthy morning routine can make you feel more in control of what is to follow in your day.

The minute you wake up, every decision you make drives your brain into exertion searching for influences and discipline. Map out what you can the night before. The start of a good morning embarks a sense of well-being that supports readiness to prepare for actions and planning.

  • Make planning a habit
  • Use time management
  • Make a to-do list

Plan and Assessments

Living human beings have dreams, wishes, and desires of the heart. Plan for the possibilities in life with a written promise to yourself. If it is in your mind and you want it, write it down and go for it. Be flexible and make necessary changes as you grow to achieve and succeed. Expectations can be a powerful attractive force when used in your life plan. The more you expect what you want the harder you will work on planning to achieve it.

Creating a life plan will help you to establish a roadmap to prioritize the decisions you want to make in life. A life plan becomes a personal guide to how you want to live and what you need to do to achievement fulfillment. It will also serve as a good reference for managing a personal development plan that I will discuss later in more detail.

Focus on what you want in your life plan. Too often more attention is given on what others expect of us. Be creative and give yourself permission to dream. Ask yourself what really matters in your life? What would your best life look like?

There is no defined rule for learning how to create a life plan other than being realistic and true to yourself. A good life plan will include:


  • Look for past motivations
  • Review failures (you are not alone)
  • Examine habits or disabling situations
  • Clear your direction for a bright start

A Vision

  • Plan with what you believe (values)
  • Consider what would bring you more joy and happiness
  • Interpersonal relationships and social roles
  • Think about what you want to accomplish


  • Make a chronological list of them (future plans)
  • Put things in order that you want to achieve
  • Show details of how they can be carried out
  • Determine and outline a time schedule

Sometimes it is a matter of taking small manageable steps on the path of getting where you want to be. Experience the accomplishments with gratitude while sustaining motivation to make positive changes as you move forward. Reflect on current priorities in life and what is important or needs to change. Create systems surrounding your life that will support these changes. This includes staying close to your faith for the spiritual direction during uncertainty or when challenges exist.

Managing Your Steps

Planning the steps needed for growth requires a self-developing attitude with a strong willpower to reach the destiny of your desires and passion.  Everyone’s path to success takes a different route and some may travel a longer or shorter distance. The steps you take will be the ones that will fuel the drive to succeed.  direct your future. If you step outside the path, tread back on course, and learn from any mistakes that were made. Stay focused on what is important and if adversity shows up, rely on your strength.

Look around at people you know who have made great strides at success. Whatever level of accomplishments they made it took vision, courage, commitment, and planning but the most important thing was managing every step along the way.

Navigating Personal Development

Living offers a wealth of opportunities that afford us the possibility to progress in life and find the roads that branch out to discover our passion, purpose, and potential. When you look at your life in pivotal review and see complete fulfillment, know that you are blessed. But even when you seem to have it all sometimes there is a feeling of unrest to satisfy the inner soul.

Personal development has many distinct sectors that take place in your life during the advancement process as you venture for possibilities. It will consist of activities that develops a person’s capabilities, potential and build human capital. Personal development can be any skill that you want for self-improvement – the key is taking the right steps that will help to ensure achievement that reaches your goal. Personal development is a process that never ends, and you are the deciding factor that controls the destiny.

Successful people always invest time to work on themselves. Some people dedicate up to thirty minutes of their time every day toward personal development. There are others who dedicate a significant amount of time continuing to learn. A good place to start is to begin every day with something that gives enlightenment, encouragement, and brings positivity in your life. Identify areas that can help you improve or maximize your potential. Feed your brain with positive things and new information on a regular basis.