Gloria Sloan is enthusiastic about helping people achieve their goals and find greater joy by using valuable life skills. She is an author, speaker, life coach, and strategist. She aims to energize, impact, and influence individuals and organizations to lead a vibrant life through engaging possibilities. She encourages self-directed learning to achieve heightened performance. Her career background covers over forty years of business management, workforce development, human resources, hospitality procurement, and contract negotiations. Her most rewarding position is sharing knowledge for self-discovery and personal growth.
An abundance of wisdom has captured my spirit to share. I am a lifelong student of continuous learning. I have reached my goals by self-directing essential life skills and identifying my strengths. I believe in discovering new concepts through transforming knowledge and take immense pleasure in presenting these principles to others.
Being born into a family small business gave me a natural early attraction. The experience of helping in my father’s corner store had a lasting effect. After business college and etiquette studies, I took the risks to start a long venture on a business journey. Years later, with humble success, my entrepreneurial life continues to take center stage. I am a pioneer in my self-discovery.
One day, I realized my writing was a form of expressive therapy. I started journaling soon after an emotional and very personal family event. Those words transformed into a heartfelt memoir that sparked my writing journey. Since publishing my first book, Abundant Faith, I have found a special love for writing to share the inspiration and empowerment that enhanced my personal growth. My second book, Life Skills for the Journey, shares profound wisdom to help transform individuals’ lives into wholeness, personal development, and fulfillment. A forthcoming Life Skills for the Journey Second Edition offers a more superb approach to elevate the comprehensive personal and professional growth framework.
My story has traveled through times of triumphant joy, sorrow, love, forgiveness, trusted friendships, fantastic hospitality, and a historical past. I grew up during the civil rights era and experienced integration as the only Black student in my high school class for two years. After graduating as the first Black student, my journey immediately set pace. It took years to overcome the realization that existed then, but living teaches us much about the past. Today, I know why life skills are essential and how to use them to be more productive and fulfilling. Self-knowledge skills can help you learn more about yourself and find your purpose. I can speak from experience using self-directing skills to build a foundation for success.
Becoming a certified life coach while laboring on this journey is one of my best life proficiencies. It allows me to share professional gifts of wisdom, assessment, and collaboration to help enrich someone else’s journey. My straightforward coaching program involves engaging clients in a thought-provoking and creative process. The first step to success begins when they identify what they want to accomplish and are open to new perspectives. I am fortunate to have this opportunity to engage and have the confidence to share in another person’s life.